Working with the Registry and API

How to work with the Anka Registry and API

Anka registry provides an easy way to store, version, and distribute macOS VMs that are used for CI and development. Once you’ve completed creation and setup of your VMs, use anka registry command to work with the registry.

Store your build and test VM templates in the registry.
Then, you can pull them, modify them and push them again with a different tag to the Registry. This way you can maintain versions. Pull specific VM template and tag to a different machine running Anka package.

Registry operations are available through Anka Client command line and through Registry REST APIs.

Working with registry using Anka CLI

View all of the available registry commands by running anka registry --help.

> anka registry --help
usage: registry [options] <command>

   Configure and control template registries

  -r,--remote <val>        Sets an alternate registry
  --insecure               Skip TLS verification
  --cert <val>             Path to a client certificate (if user authentication is configured)
  --key <val>              Path to private key if the client certificate doesn't contain one
  --cacert <val>           Use custom CA certificates location (default is /etc/ssl/certs)
  --api-key-id <val>       TAP identity
  --api-key <val>          TAP key in PEM form

  list-repos               List registries configured
  add                      Add a registry
  set                      Set default registry
  remove                   Remove a registry from the configuration
  list                     List templates in registry (see anka-push/pull commands)
  show                     Show a template's properties
  revert                   Delete a template or tag

Add registry to a Node/machine running Anka

anka registry add <givesomename> <registryURLwithport>

You can add/define multiple registries to a node. The last one added is treated as current. To change current use the set command.

Set Current registry

anka registry set <previouslydefiniedname>

Push VM to the Registry

anka registry push -d <description> -t <tag> {vmNameOrUUID}

Pull VM from the Registry

anka registry pull -t <tag> {vmNameOrUUID}

Pull VM from the Registry with Shrink

anka registry pull -s -t <tag> {vmNameOrUUID}

For example, let’s say you have V1, V2 tags in the Registry for a VM. You pull V2. Then, you pull V1 with -s flag. It will optimize the local disk space usage by deleting all V2 related tag/version files.

Push independent VM as new tag of existing VM in Registry

anka registry push NEW_VM -v EXISTING_VM_IN_REGISTRY -t NEW_TAG

For example, let’s say you have a VM1, with latest tag t2. Now, you want to push a completely independent VM2 as the next tag to VM1. You will use anka registry push VM2 -v VM1 -t NEW_TAG.

List VMs in the Registry

anka registry list



❯ curl -s http://anka.registry:8089/registry/status                                                    

List VMS v1 (Deprecated)

Description: List all VMs stored in the Registry.
Path: /registry/vm
Method: GET
Optional Query Parameters

idstringReturn a specific Template. Passing this parameter will show more information about the Template’s tags.


  • Status: Operation Result (OK|FAIL)
  • Body: List of VM objects. If id supplied, also returns list of tags (“versions”)..
  • message: Error message in case of an error

Template Object format

  • {UUID}: {Template Name}

CURL Example

# List example

❯ curl -s http://anka.registry:8089/registry/vm | jq
  "status": "OK",
  "body": [
      "5d1b40b9-7e68-4807-a290-c59c66e926b4": "12.4-gitlab"
      "b6e96ed0-6d0f-4152-a97c-944553b3c35b": "12.4-openjdk-"
      "c0847bc9-5d2d-4dbc-ba6a-240f7ff08032": "12.4-openjdk-"
      "c12ccfa5-8757-411e-9505-128190e9854e": "12.4"
  "message": ""

# Get Single Template 

❯ curl -s http://anka.registry:8089/registry/vm\?id\=c12ccfa5-8757-411e-9505-128190e9854e | jq
  "status": "OK",
  "body": {
    "id": "c12ccfa5-8757-411e-9505-128190e9854e",
    "name": "12.4",
    "versions": [
        "number": 0,
        "tag": "vanilla",
        "config_file": "c12ccfa5-8757-411e-9505-128190e9854e.yaml",
        "nvram": "nvram",
        "images": [
        "state_files": [],
        "description": "",
        "state_file": "",
        "size": 19490295808,
        "arch": ""
        "number": 1,
        "tag": "vanilla+port-forward-22",
        "config_file": "c12ccfa5-8757-411e-9505-128190e9854e.yaml",
        "nvram": "nvram",
        "images": [
        "state_files": [],
        "description": "",
        "state_file": "",
        "size": 19490295808,
        "arch": ""
        "number": 2,
        "tag": "vanilla+port-forward-22+brew-git",
        "config_file": "c12ccfa5-8757-411e-9505-128190e9854e.yaml",
        "nvram": "nvram",
        "images": [
        "state_files": [],
        "description": "",
        "state_file": "",
        "size": 22706692096,
        "arch": ""
    "size": 22706692096,
    "arch": "amd64"
  "message": ""

List VMS v2

This is a new API introduced in version 1.7.0

Description: List all VMs stored in the Registry.
Path: /registry/v2/vm
Method: GET
Optional Query Parameters

idstringReturn a specific Template. Passing this parameter will show more information about the Template’s tags


  • Status: Operation Result (OK|FAIL)
  • Body: List of VM objects. If id supplied, also returns list of tags (“versions”)..
  • message: Error message in case of an error

Template format

  • name: Template’s name
  • id: Template’s id
  • size: Total size of all Template’s files on the registry in bytes
  • versions: Array of Version objects.

Version format

  • tag: The version’s tag
  • number: Serial number of the version
  • description: The version’s description
  • images: List of image file names
  • state_files: List of state file names (suspend images)
  • config_file: Name of the version’s VM config file
  • nvram: Name of the VM nvram file
  • size: Total size of all version’s files on registry in bytes.

CURL Example

# List example

curl -s http://anka.registry:8089/registry/v2/vm | jq                          {
  "status": "OK",
  "body": [
      "id": "c12ccfa5-8757-411e-9505-128190e9854e",
      "name": "11.6.0",
      "size": 21024776192
  "message": ""

# Get Single Template 

curl -s "http://anka.registry:8089/registry/v2/vm?id=c12ccfa5-8757-411e-9505-128190e9854e" | jq
  "status": "OK",
  "body": {
    "id": "c12ccfa5-8757-411e-9505-128190e9854e",
    "name": "11.6.0",
        "number": 0,
        "tag": "vanilla",
        "config_file": "c12ccfa5-8757-411e-9505-128190e9854e.yaml",
        "nvram": "nvram",
        "images": [
        "state_files": null,
        "description": "",
        "state_file": "",
        "size": 18645143552
        "number": 1,
        "tag": "vanilla+port-forward-22",
        "config_file": "c12ccfa5-8757-411e-9505-128190e9854e.yaml",
        "nvram": "nvram",
        "images": [
        "state_files": null,
        "description": "",
        "state_file": "",
        "size": 18645143552
        "number": 2,
        "tag": "vanilla+port-forward-22+brew-git",
        "config_file": "c12ccfa5-8757-411e-9505-128190e9854e.yaml",
        "nvram": "nvram",
        "images": [
        "state_files": null,
        "description": "",
        "state_file": "",
        "size": 21024776192
    "size": 21024776192
  "message": ""

Delete VM

Description: Delete a specific VM and all associated tags
Path: /registry/vm
Method: DELETE
Required Query Parameters:

idstringThe Template’s id.


  • Status: Operation Result (OK|FAIL)
  • message: Error message in case of an error

CURL Example

curl -X DELETE "" 

   "body": null,

Get VM Configuration

Description: Show vm configuration file for a specific version or tag (or latest if none specified) of a VM template
Path: /registry/vm/info
Method: GET
Required Query Parameters

idstringReturn the VM with that ID.

Optional Query Parameters

tagstringThe specific Tag to get info forLatest
versionintThe number of the version to get info for, 0 indexedLatest


  • Status: Operation Result (OK|FAIL)
  • Body: VM configuration object
  • message: Error message in case of an error

Object format

  • name: Name of the Template
  • ram: Amount of virtual RAM the VM has
  • hard_drives: Array of hard drives
  • usb: USB info
  • uuid: Id of the vm
  • network_cards: A list of network cards, with port forwarding rules
  • firmware: VM’s firmware
  • state_file: Name of state file (suspend image)
  • nvram: Path of nvram file
  • version: VM configuration version (internally used)
  • cpu: Number of virtual CPU cores
  • display: VM’s display

CURL Example

curl ""

   "message" : "",
   "status" : "OK",
   "body" : {
      "nvram" : true,
      "state_file" : "668e52df4d454f0fbc14cc69a15c5006.ank",
      "display" : {
         "frame_buffer" : {
            "height" : 768,
            "pci_slot" : 29,
            "vnc_ip" : "",
            "width" : 1024,
            "password" : "admin"
      "version" : 1,
      "usb" : {
         "pci_slot" : 7,
         "host" : 0,
         "tablet" : 1
      "network_cards" : [
            "mode" : "shared",
            "pci_slot" : 28,
            "mac_address" : "56:45:45:3c:db:02",
            "port_forwarding_rules" : [
                  "host_port" : 0,
                  "protocol" : "tcp",
                  "rule_name" : "ssh1",
                  "guest_port" : 22,
                  "host_ip" : "0"
      "hard_drives" : [
            "pci_slot" : 4,
            "controller" : "ablk",
            "file" : "239bb374545141ceb481d495ec01683e.ank"
      "cpu" : {
         "cores" : 2
      "name" : "appium-base",
      "ram" : "2G",
      "uuid" : "2fa0f10e-e91e-4665-8d42-00a39b9707de",
      "firmware" : {
         "type" : "uefi"


Reverting is a potentially dangerous operation. It will revert all tags which came AFTER the one you’re targeting. We recommend a multi-template-single-tag approach instead to avoid this.

Description: Revert a VM to a certain Tag or version number. Delete the latest version if none is specified.
Path: /registry/revert
Method: DELETE
Required Query Parameters

idstringThe Template id.

Optional Data Parameters

tagstringThe Tag to revert to. Newer versions will also be deletedLatest
versionintThe number of the version to revert to, 0 indexedLatest


  • Status: Operation Result (OK|FAIL)
  • message: Error message in case of an error

CURL Example

# Delete latest version

curl -X DELETE  ""

   "body" : null,
   "message" : "",
   "status" : "OK"

# Revert to the first version of the template

curl -X DELETE  "" 

   "status" : "OK",
   "body" : null,
   "message" : ""

# Revert to a specific Tag

❯ curl -X DELETE  "http://anka.registry:8089/registry/revert?id=aff190a4-9871-4fb7-b909-73742f0fbdbe" -d '{"tag": "vanilla+port-forward-22+brew-git"}'

Set Template Arch

Description: Set the template’s arch manually.
Path: /registry/vm/arch
Method: PUT

Required Data Parameters

idstringThe Template id.-
archstringThe architecture (“arm64” or “amd64”)-


  • Status: Operation Result (OK|FAIL)
  • message: Error message in case of an error

CURL Example

❯ curl -s\?id\=0e1660cb-632f-4748-8a0d-ce82ae6bcd25 | jq
 "status": "OK",
 "body": {
   "id": "0e1660cb-632f-4748-8a0d-ce82ae6bcd25",
   "name": "12.1.0",
       "number": 0,
       "tag": "vanilla+addons",
       "config_file": "0e1660cb-632f-4748-8a0d-ce82ae6bcd25.yaml",
       "nvram": "nvram",
       "images": [
       "state_files": [],
       "description": "",
       "state_file": "",
       "size": 19425398784,
       "arch": ""
   "size": 19425398784,
   "arch": "amd64"
 "message": ""

❯ curl -X PUT -d '{"id": "0e1660cb-632f-4748-8a0d-ce82ae6bcd25", "arch": "arm64"}'

❯ curl -s\?id\=0e1660cb-632f-4748-8a0d-ce82ae6bcd25 | jq
 "status": "OK",
 "body": {
   "id": "0e1660cb-632f-4748-8a0d-ce82ae6bcd25",
   "name": "12.1.0",
       "number": 0,
       "tag": "vanilla+addons",
       "config_file": "0e1660cb-632f-4748-8a0d-ce82ae6bcd25.yaml",
       "nvram": "nvram",
       "images": [
       "state_files": [],
       "description": "",
       "state_file": "",
       "size": 19425398784,
       "arch": ""
   "size": 19425398784,
   "arch": "arm64"
 "message": ""

User Key Management

Get Key

  • Description: Display information about api key[s]

  • Path: /v1/apikey

  • Method: GET

Query Parameters:

idstringReturn only information about a specific ID (optional)-


  • status: Operation Result (OK|FAIL)
  • message: Error message in case of an error
  • body: JSON returned from API
❯ curl -sH "Authorization: Basic $(echo -ne "root:1111111111" | base64)" http://anka.registry:8089/v1/apikey | jq
  "status": "OK",
  "message": "",
  "body": [
      "id": "developer1",
      "groups": [
      "expiration": "2021-09-21T14:35:08.823236-04:00",
      "created": "2021-09-20T14:35:08.823236-04:00"
      "id": "developer2",
      "groups": [
      "expiration": "2021-09-21T14:39:00.526148-04:00",
      "created": "2021-09-20T14:39:00.526148-04:00"
      "id": "nathan",
      "groups": [
      "expiration": "2021-09-21T14:31:11.364844-04:00",
      "created": "2021-09-20T14:31:11.364845-04:00"

Create Key

  • Description: Create user key

  • Path: /v1/apikey

  • Method: POST

Query Parameters:

idstringSet the id/name of the key (required)-
ttlintSet the TTL (time to live) seconds of the key (required)-
groupsstring arrayList of group names for the key (required)-
publicKeystringIf supplied, it is expected to be in PKIX ASN.1 DER form (optional)-

If no publicKey is passed in, we will generate and store it on the server.


  • status: Operation Result (OK|FAIL)
  • message: Error message in case of an error
  • body: JSON returned from API
❯ curl -X POST -sH "Authorization: Basic $(echo -ne "root:1111111111" | base64)" http://anka.registry:8089/v1/apikey -d '{ "id": "nathan", "ttl": 86400, "groups": ["g1"] }'
{"status":"OK","message":"","body":"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 . . .

Update Key

  • Description: Update an existing key

  • Path: /v1/apikey

  • Method: PUT

Query Parameters:

idstringThe id/name of the key (required)-
ttlintThe TTL (time to live) seconds for the key (optional)-
groupsstringComma separated list of group names for the key (optional)-

You cannot change the publicKey.


  • status: Operation Result (OK|FAIL)
  • message: Error message in case of an error
❯ curl -X PUT -sH "Authorization: Basic $(echo -ne "root:1111111111" | base64)" http://anka.registry:8089/v1/apikey -d '{ "id": "nathan", "groups": ["test1","test3"] }'

Delete Key

  • Description: Delete an existing key

  • Path: /v1/apikey

  • Method: DELETE

Query Parameters:

idstringThe id/name of the key (required)-


  • status: Operation Result (OK|FAIL)
  • message: Error message in case of an error
❯ curl -X DELETE -sH "Authorization: Basic $(echo -ne "root:1111111111" | base64)" http://anka.registry:8089/v1/apikey -d '{ "id": "nathan" }'